Sunday, February 20, 2011

Some things never change

12 year old me would have see this clever act of civil disobedience and run off as fast as possible to show and tell my dumb little buddies all about it.

Adult me saw this clever act of civil disobedience, took a photo of it, deemed it was suitable street treasure, and ran off as fast as possible to e-show and tell my dumb little buddies all about it.

Some might call this a rut, being perpetually immature, a man child, if you will.

I call it OG.

Keep it real, son.

1 comment:

  1. In other news, this is also the school of Prime Minister Steve's kids. So....he has a big enough budget that allows the RCMP guards to leave the van running outside the school for 7 hours a day, all winter, but he can't shell out a few bucks to fix the sign? Hmmm.....
